Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging and hope it will help me connect with others with my same interests and help me with my continuous tech learning curve!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, day 2. I'm a little lost in the vast cyber world and have spent hours searching for groups, etc. to follow. However, with persistence this will come to pass. I really want to understand so I may share with my students; I know this is a goldmine untapped that I wish to break. I feel I'm missing something, as this should be easy, but each new endeavor I find I run into more problems than advancing forward. I have a wiki that I use in class and keeping up with resources, but with students they must be 13 which is a problem with 5th-6th grades. Gaggle last year became a management problem; I've started investigating Google docs and am struggling how to have my students participate. Our district has a domain, but administrator is no longer there and I can't find out how to use it. I'd love to follow blogs, but haven't gotten it yet. I only wish I was younger so I would have had more integration with technology and more time to utilize my new found passion. Oh well, tomorrow I start my next on line class, which I enjoy interacting with colleges online. Maybe blogging my personal experiences will help my personal journey...
